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Welcome to my blog randomnessandweirdnessisanna.blogspot.com where I try to annoy you as much as possible by not updating even after countless tags.
Oh. Repetition makes me happy.
And yes, there IS a pause button to stop the music from continuously playing in your ear, interrupting the sound of my very annoying voice playing in your heads.
------------------------ Edit: 25th December 2008, 5.50PM Cranky In The Mornings says:hey i didn't know a tribute was made to me? Cranky In The Mornings says:i thought they only made tributes to DEAD people Cranky In The Mornings says:!! Wikipedia says: A tribute (from Latin tribulum, contribution) is wealth one party gives to another as a sign of respect or, as was often case in historical contexts, of submission or allegiance. It also incorporated certain aspects of regulated trade in goods and services between the parties under a contractual relationship formed upon duress, and based upon the potential for threats if specific performance did not occur. A tributary or tributary state is a state, colony, region, or people who pay tribute to a more powerful, suzerain state. And so, it is not "in tribute" to Vivien Seah anymore. Thank you very much. Cranky In The Mornings says: yay!
So sports day was LAST Friday. Our class won 2nd place. Yay. (: On the 31st of November.... The floorball game's about to begin! (: Rioko in her super cool pose. She did this when she heard it was for Vivien. One of our banners with the phoenix on it. The crowd of S2 students watching the floorball game. Warren is looking directly at the camera, because after, he told me not to take a picture of him. It was an ACCIDENT. THE RUBY GIRLS VERSUS THE DIAMOND GIRLS! The setting before the badminton games start.
Last month, Joanna and I came up with the idea, of SISHES. What are Sishes, you ask? Okay, so the definition gets worse everytime. But here's the logo. (:
As I watch that smile on your face.
Beware, my words may kill.
The tears in your eyes are not worth the thrill,
Not wanting to cause you hurt,
My lips bear the seal.
Protect you I will,
Hiding darkness with light, but
Beware, my words may kill.
I’ll help your wounds heal,
Be the warmth that you needed.
My lips bear the seal.
But would I be there until,
You needed me no longer?
Beware, my words may kill.
For a fear is instilled,
When light fades away.
My lips bear the seal,
Beware, my words may kill.
They are coming at 1. ONE IN THE AFTERNOON.
I slept at 11 last night.
I woke up at 1 today.
annabelle, post!
aileen<3you says:
lol xD yup hehe xP tag! :D post more annabelle!
aileen<3you says:
Can't people stalk in peace? D:<
Ha ha. I still seed you anyways. (:
{Anna} says: I have a dream to be creepy towards people and stalk them.
Explains it all, doesn't it? (:
{Anna} says:
i think i ate expired food : says:
i think i ate expired food : says:
wanna msn chat later? i can chat till very late if not using phone ><
{Anna} says:
{Anna} says:
I have to sleep earlier
{Anna} says:
because they're coming at 1.
{Anna} says:
: P
i think i ate expired food : says:
o.o they?
{Anna} says:
are you busy?
{Anna} says:
{Anna} says:
for English.
{Anna} says:
: P
i think i ate expired food : says
:o.o u mean tmr noon arhh xD
i think i ate expired food : says:
i thought they coming later xDD
{Anna} says:XD
i think i ate expired food : says:
okayy...so wat time do u wanna sleep?
{Anna} says:
not sure.
{Anna} says:
: P
It is 2.49AM and I am still not asleep.
My dad was playing a movie.
For him and my brothers to watch.
Me: What are you watching?
My dad: The Grinch who stole Christmas.
Me: -Walks towards door.- Eek. I don't want to watch it.
Subject: Are you more of a girl or boy??
[x] You love (like) hoodies - They're comfy! D:
[] You love jeans. -Umm. No. They hang to low sometimes. Isn't this more of a female liking..?
[]Dogs are better than cats. - I'm just kind of afraid of all animals now. My mum is too. Hereditary? I used to want puppies but my mum shooed away the idea. And now, I'm miserable. (Okay. Not really.)
[] It's hilarious when people get hurt. - I might be sadist but... Wait. It depends...
[x] You've played with/against boys on a team. - I don't think any girls haven't. Wait. A girls school? But even then... WHAT KIND OF LIFE ARE YOU LIVING?
[]Shopping is torture. - It depends on what I'm shopping for and who with.
[] Sad movies suck. - Not ALL do. Like, I could cry over a movie most people don't. That would be a sad movie to me, wouldn't it? Okay. I really don't know..
[] You love to play on X-Box. - Awww. But the X-box is kind of cool. My cousin and brother rarely ever let me touch it, though. But seeing them addicted to it has kind of ruined it for me (or so I make myself believe.)
[] Played with Hot wheel cars as a kid. - Are my brother's counted?
[]At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter. - My dad once said to Kimberly Teo that I wanted to be a "nail cutter". Kimberly then imagined a pile of nails in my bedroom.
What supportive family and friends I have.
[] You love to play on a DS, PS2 or Sega. - I have none of them.
[]You used to be/are obsessed with Power Rangers. - I wasn't allowed to watch it. But then again, I wasn't interested. They looked more like motorcyclists, anyway.
[] You watch/used to watch sports on TV. - I can't play sports. I don't watch sports.
[] Gory movies are cool. -Umm. I prefer scaring people with descriptions, thank you very much. (:
[]You go to your dad for advice. - I hardly go to people for advice. :P Is that bad?
[] You own like a trillion baseball caps - Sports + Me = ?! (Don't watch sports.)
[] You like going to high school football games. - Once AGAIN, don't watch sports. Did you really think I would change that quickly with the time frame provided between QUESTIONS? D:
[x] You used to/do collect cards. -Phone cards.
[x] Baggy pants are cool to wear. - Why not?
[x] It's kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. - I mean, some people really need a roof above their heads, and when you have this AMAZING room all to yourself, you decide to share it with a bunch of people, listening to their snores all night and constant babbling? (No offense to people who do. I do it too, so. HIGH FIVE.)
[x] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors. - Black pens are nicer to write with. (:
[x] You love to go crazy and not care what people think. - Are you not reading what I'm typing? I mean, who does this? And for a quiz?
[] sports are fun - .........
[] You talk with food in you mouth - That's not really boyish. It's just kind of rude.
[x]Wear boxers - Girl ones. At least that's what I think they're called.
[x] Sleep with your socks on at night - I like socks. Feet get cold during winter. Okay... But they kind of get uncomfotable in the mornings...
Now add up the number
Total: 9
Now multiply by 5 to get percentage
Mine: 45%
Your Girly Side:
[x] You wear lip gloss. - Why would I talk about it so much if it were otherwise? But it's mainly because of cracked lips. "Hello, you've just been Annabelled."
[] You love to shop. - Depends. I'll be neutral on shopping, I guess. Hmm. That sounds weird.
[]You love to wear eyeliner. - There is such a thing as guyliner too. Not that I'd put on any.
[x] You wear the color pink. - Sometimes. I loved pink ONCE. The pink clothes in my closet are just reminders that I should NEVER, EVER, again.
[x] Go to your mom for advice. - I used to. That was around the same time I liked pink. But most times I still do. (:
[]You hate wearing the color Grey. - Aww. Today I just pointed out how grey clothes are kind of nice. (:
[]You like getting manicures and/or pedicures. - Only from myself. I'm not sure how to feel about people staring at my hands and doing stuff to them with the tools they have. Or even worse. My feet.. -Shudders-
[x] You like wearing jewelry. Earrings. -(Secretly I do...) NO I DON'T!
[] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. - Neutral. Pay attention. (:
[x]You don't like the movie Star Wars. - I don't know because I never watched it yet, so I can't really judge. But I DO want to watch it.
[] You are/were in gymnastics. - Isn't gymnastics a kind of... Sport thing? Unless gymnastics is rolling around in bed, then, no.
Google search says Wikipedia says:
Gymnastics is a sport involving performance of exercises requiring physical strength, flexibility, agility and coordination. Artistic Gymnastics is the best ...
Yea, that's all I needed to know. NO!
[] It takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and do your make-up. - I don't wear make-up.
[] You smile a lot more than you should. - Smiley people attract children. When I go up to a child, they usually run away. Plus, my smile looks creepy.
[] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes. - I'm not a shoe store! D: Maybe a junk sale, yes.
[] You care about what you look like.
[]You like wearing dresses when you can. - A part of my past I will forever TRY to erase.
"Where is my little girl who would wear dresses all the time?" - My Mum.
[] You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne. - I don't think I smell good. I can't smell. The air freshener on my table is meant for, basically, the guests who come in.
[x] You LOVE the movies. - Can't guys LOVE the movies too? My dad does.
[x]Used to play with dolls as a little kid. - Again, ERASE.
[x] Like putting make-up on someone else for the enjoyment. - Umm. I'm kind of bad at stuff like this, so, YEA! (Okay. Don't get scared now.)
[] Like taking pictures of yourself with your cell phone/camera when you're bored - I cannot smile. I am lazy. I think power rangers look like motorcyclists. I DON'T look good in any pictures. See the crazy person who turns away from cameras? That's me.
Total: 8
Now multiply by 5 to get your percentage.
Mine: 40%
And there. I proved you wrong, Aileen. (:
"23 Dec 08, 22:48
AileenxD-Annabelle: hehe, you're not boyish lol xD"
And Yan Ping, don't worry. You're not boyish. (:
I just like being random. (:
I was happy to see you at Church just now. (:
You looked so pretty and happy. (:
Thanks for doing so much of the Geography powerpoint slides! (:
And here's the "card" I was making for you. :P
It didn't look good enough to be given...
She opened it earlier, and this was what we found.
My brother: IT'S CHOCOLATES! IT'S CHOCOLATES!We tore off the wrapping paper to find a box with Elephants on them.
Sadly, they weren't chocolates, but there was a card inside, and they WERE nice chopsticks. From Thailand. (: And so, my mum opened the card. I mean, if you found a card in a present you recieved, wouldn't you open it?
Dear Pi Pi,
I wanted to post something up yesterday, which can RELATE to Christmas in a way, I guess.
I still will, but I want to share a realisation I made.
It being the holidays, and me being a complete stalker, I started clicking through the links on blogs.
And of course, read.
One thing similar about most blogs and most bloggers, is that they share.
Details from their life.
And originally, this blog was meant to be mainly for people to look at whatever I came up with while I was bored, but I think I'll try that now.
The sharing, I mean.
But how it will be slightly different is that I'll try to make it more for a wider range of readers.
Have you ever wandered into someone's blog and read,
"So, today Sarah and I went to school and we went to Vivien's house, and like, it was as if the bomb REALLY exploded?"
That my friends, is probably an inside joke. (:
So, what I'm trying to say is that, I'll try to make some of my posts more like an editorial, that people other than friends will understand? It'll most likely be boring, but I'm going to try anyway.
I wasn't very interesting to begin with. :P
Anyway. Yesterday's post shall be.. Um. Posted.
Note: The picture above was made in tribute to Vivien Seah, a long time ago. (:
Not as creative as this one, of course, but at least it would be made by me.
"Like, of course. You're not creative."
And yes, I agree, this blogskin layout is awesome, and the layout designer rocks....
"Yea. Waaaay more awesome than you."
"As if you could make something like this."
I have no idea what I'm typing.
I'm deranged. (:
"Only realising this NOW?"
Oh. (:
And Sarah Tan, you change your blogskins TOO often, and so I will NOT help. (:
Thank you.
Look, it's wrapped and everything!
I shall miss the simplicity of walking around.
The gym has never looked so big.
I thank God that I still have feet, though. (:
RIOKONG says: now, mom wanna me to rest
RIOKONG says:I look like ANPANMAN right now
{Anna} says:ha ha
{Anna} says:okay
{Anna} says:byeee
{Anna} says:your mouth
{Anna} says:still hurts?
RIOKONG says:it was not 顎関節症
{Anna} says:?
RIOKONG says:it was about some sort or STRESS and TIRED
RIOKONG says:My face is now.......how do I say......
RIOKONG says:tumefy?
{Anna} says: : P
{Anna} says:Puffy?{
Anna} says:Swollen?
RIOKONG says:I look fat
RIOKONG says:My face getting huge
RIOKONG says:only right part
{Anna} says:><
{Anna} says:Swollen.
RIOKONG says:yea
RIOKONG says: I look like an AILIEN
{Anna} says:><
RIOKONG says:so ugly
RIOKONG says:don wanna go outside
To emphasise the fact, she drew these two pictures for me.
Vivien and Rioko....?
The guys did it. Obvious?
It's a good job, though. 5 guys. 17 girls. Helena staring at something... Or someone? XD
Natalie looking cute and hiding behind the flag. Don't be shy! (:
And of course, we know, because sports day was... Last week.
Hello, people.
YAY!! YAN PING! She looks good in black. (:
Definition: Sishes are a "school" of girls, who are good friends to the extent where they are alike to sisters, or
travel in groups. In some cases, they look and sound almost alike, though they
are called CLONE SISHES. Regular Sishes are MUCH better.
<---- Finger gloves, I think.
I got the idea earlier today because of this nice lady sitting next to me. (:
She was wearing something like that. Heh.
No, I did not waste any money buying these!
My gloves that weren't a waste.
Hm. So I'm basically doing something like a quote collection.
This is pretty boring, since I'm quoting... Myself. :P
The "quotes" are things that pop into my head...
100 things to do before I die.
The video rocks. (:
Because he's Thewinekone. (:
Gunbound? ><
Post more later, maybe.
Not like anyone cares.
I only have one reader.
And that person is myself.
Wait. And Maybe Rioko.