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Welcome to my blog randomnessandweirdnessisanna.blogspot.com where I try to annoy you as much as possible by not updating even after countless tags.
Oh. Repetition makes me happy.
And yes, there IS a pause button to stop the music from continuously playing in your ear, interrupting the sound of my very annoying voice playing in your heads.
She was nice, though. I'd probably be annoyed with people like me coming in and asking the same questions over and over. Really. "Really?" I'm sorry to the lady at the store. Everything sounds worse now in my current state of thought. (: She was really nice.
But it kind of doesn't seem like random material. (:
So hi.
I'm updating.
For Aileen and the Stalkee.
Chinese New Year.
I step into a CD store.
I walk to the lady who um. Works at the stall?
Me: Hi, do you have _(Insert name of album here)_?
Her: -Smiles- What? Could you please repeat that?
Me: _(Insert name of album here)_.
Her: Oh. Sold out.
Me: -Smiles- Really?
I almost thought she was kidding. And at the same time, I was happy. In ways I cannot explain.
Her: Yes.
"Really?" is a stupid question to ask, when one has already stated something without an "I think."
Me: Oh.
Her: Yea. Come back next week, maybe.
Me: Mm. But I'm only here temporarily.
Her: Oh well. It's sold out. I think we'll have stock next week, though.
Yea. You said that already.
But then again, it seems like I can't comprehend what you're saying, anyway. So, go on.
Me: -Tone-that-sounds-dramatically-shocked- Ahh. Well, it's a surprise. No one used to want to buy their albums, and now it's sold out!
Her: Ha ha. Yea.
I know. Draggy.
-Awkward silence-
Me: Oh well. Thank you! Bye!
Her: -Smiles- Bye!
She probably thought I was one of those pubescent girls who only likes the band to follow trends and because they wear tight jeans.
I never noticed the tight jeans.
It's hard to notice tight jeans when you're listening to music on your iPod.
Mm. But maybe I'm a little obsessed.
We're walking.
I mumble to myself.
Me to me: Wow. I can't believe it.
Kimberly Teo (Who hears me.): Can't believe what?
Me: It's sold out.
Her: Ohhhh. Oh-kayyyyy.
I got the album a few hours later.
To buy an album. :P
I think.
Mm. I'm all boring and depressed.
I make no sense at all.
Please go back to your lives. (:
{Anna} says:
I can't wait to see you too!
aileen =P says:
o0...hehe xD i'll see you 2mr
{Anna} says:
D: <
-Possesive over Aileen...
-aileen =P says:
o0...hehe nvm la (:
hehe i'm so charming you are possessed xD@
{Anna} says:
I MUST have you.
aileen =P says:
o0....xD aww..i'm honoured that someone really wants me lol xD
Aileen's NEW Personal Message: I'm so charming, Annabelle is possessed by me (x Thursday! <3>
{Anna} says:
Then I can sell you away!
aileen =P says:
{Anna} says:
aileen =P says:
{Anna} says:
If I have you,
aileen =P says:
lol sell me where?
{Anna} says:
I can sell you away.
aileen =P says:
My Personal Message: Wahaha. I'll sell Aileen away at the market. (:
{Anna} says:
I like your PM.
aileen =P says:
{Anna} says:
aileen =P says:
hehe thank you xD!
i like yours too! :D
{Anna} says:
Thank you!
aileen =P says:
hehe ^^ i think many ppl would buy me away oooo
{Anna} says:
Ooh. Really? How much?
aileen =P says:
a billion dollars!!
{Anna} says:
Like an antique?
How old are you?!
aileen =P says:
maybe cheaper but my maintenance is really cheap :D
{Anna} says:
aileen =P says
:thats the good thing xD!
hehe sorry g2g bathe nowD: ttul! bye!!
Maintanence for item "Aileen Lim".
1) Must have clothes to wear. (ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE A GUY. D:<)
2) Chocolate. (She's a girl. Girls need chocolate.)
3) The-other-thing-girls-need-every-month. (Maybe? I don't know about Aileen's... Uh... Cycle.)
5) Baths.
6) Food? (Or TOWELS made to LOOK LIKE food.)
7) Paper to write, "Aileen is NOT HERE right now."
8) A computer and internet connection, so she will UPDATE HER BLOG. (Ironic, coming from me.)
I GUESS it's cheap. Maybe. Who knows? Hmm.
Men-toes and snowglobe manufacturers:
They strangle and pull you by the neck, forcing you down. Later, they blame you for falling on them.
After that, they grab you by the legs when you say you won't answer their phone calls anymore.
I've just made up a new stereotype.
Yay... <3
Do you affirm the others like you do to me?
Obviously, I shouldn’t be thinking about this. It just gets me confused.
Laughing. I wish I was laughing. It would mean that you were here.
Over thinking. I’m over thinking again…
Very often I find my mind drifting away…
Everyday, actually. You’d understand.
You’d be swayed by those few words, wouldn’t you?
Okay, I would too, I guess.
Understanding me? I know it’s hard, but… Well, look out for the signs.