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Welcome to my blog randomnessandweirdnessisanna.blogspot.com where I try to annoy you as much as possible by not updating even after countless tags.
Oh. Repetition makes me happy.
And yes, there IS a pause button to stop the music from continuously playing in your ear, interrupting the sound of my very annoying voice playing in your heads.
What I felt seemed strong. I pictured the cherry blossoms floating from the tree... I like it when you wear dark colours. Is that creepy?
(: I realised that you like using "kk" or "lol". A lot. ----------- {Anna} says: Black Hearts Show Off My Emo Side says: {Anna} says: Black Hearts Show Off My Emo Side says: {Anna} says: Black Hearts Show Off My Emo Side says: {Anna} says: Black Hearts Show Off My Emo Side says: {Anna} says: Black Hearts Show Off My Emo Side says: {Anna} says: ----------- And that's how we stay friends. Unfeeling friends. I know it makes no sense. In past or present tense? Hmmm.
Heartbreak Hotel by Elvis Preseley. And now Islands In the Stream by the Bee Gees.
Elvis seems kind of cool, though.
Because my iTunes is on shuffle.
Are you trying to be normal?
Maybe. Maybe not. I know I'm not trying to do my History essay, though.
What was the last book you read?
Memoirs of a Geisha. My English teacher reccomended it to me. I really liked it. And it's leaving quite an impact on me.
What are you thinking now?
What are you thinking now?
Because I'm asking myself these questions, aren't I?
What song do you really like at the moment?
Hm. None right now, but a few days ago, I really liked songs by the Black Kids like "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You", "Hurricane Jane", "Look at Me (When I Rock Wichoo)" and "Love me Already". I'm listening to "Love me Already" right now.
You don't listen to Fall Out Boy anymore? Weren't they like, your favourite band?
Well, I still really like them. But right now I've found space for the Black Kids as well, I guess. Besides, I kind of preferred Fall Out Boy's older songs. Not to say I don't like the new ones and think they've sold out or whatever.
Why are you asking yourself fairly normal questions?
It isn't normal to ask yourself questions and call them fairly normal.
And right now you're thinking...
Lucy, Charlie Brown, Snoopy.
And now?
About Friends. The TV show.
Which character on "Friends" do you think you're most alike to?
Hm. A bit of Monica - except I'm not clean, and Chandler.
What do you regret?
Putting Hilary Duff songs in my iPod from the CDs I got a few years ago, in order to try and bring back my 8 year old self.
What currently has your attention?
How "S2" looks a bit like a heart or two swans... I got it from a document on Microsoft Word which is open right now. The full title is supposed to be "S2 History Task".
Who's on your mind right now?
Monica from friends. I read her name above.
Last person you talked to?
Myself. Or Regina, if you want real people. No wait. My dad. He told me to go to sleep.
And patted me on the head. So it wasn't at all unpleasant.
Where do you feel like you are right now?
"Walking down Memory Lane"? Well, I don't really feel like I'm in the present right now, anyway. Agh. It's hard to explain. It's just that everything around me seems different.
Like how a place can seem different with different people. A change in the atmosphere.
Why are you so weird?
Good question. I am asked this constantly. Well, I have a feeling it runs in the blood, or I've just allowed myself to become weirder everyday.
Apples or Pineapples?
Definitely apples.
How did you use to type ?
Today I attack my 10 year old self! :D
And here we go. My first ever blog post.
School is hetic these days, teachers, principal always scolding, punishishing and giving LOADS of HW! THE P5 LIFE IS SO MUCH WORK, I'LL SURELY GO MAD!!! Always pushing us for PSLE, give us so much supplementry! I know I shouldn't be complaining but I can't take it anymore! I Have all these tuition homework I have to do and our teacher Ms Goh gives us pieces and pieces of homework! I am so afraid of all the teachers as I am... well let's put it that I am so scared of teachers scolding me ok? NEXT PLEASE! Well yesterday Mr Chua our P.E. teacher was so angry and he punishes me and three girls for not seating in the small circle, in the middle of the basketball court. I mean there was no space!!! So I sat a little out of the circle and then he said," THE FOUR OF YOU I THINK I MADE MY INSTRUCTIONS VERY CLEAR, GO AND PICK UP RUBBISH NOW!" So what could I do I had no choice right I'm just a student right? So I did that and when we came back we had to do running then play volleyball.(And I hate everything realated to sports!) Even worser was that we had to partner up and I had no partner! So I had to throw the ball to myself and hit it too! The problem is I can't even get the griping right! Oh yeah, and beleive me it isn't easy playing volleyball without a partner... Well after that Mr Chua decided to call us back again and show us how to play correctly. Then after that he found a partner for me, NG WEI XUAN A.K.A The girl in my class who treated me badly last year. Supprisingly she was nice! Could she have changed? Well I think it's too early to say... Btw I was so embarrased when I found my article in the school's "sort of" newsletter. It was about the Children's Day Carnival that my teacher had asked me to write last year. My classmates kept coming to me saying " Hey! got your name in the loop!" "The Loop" is the newsletter's name.( I wished they changed it to something nicer...) Talking about school today is so noisy because of the sirens for Total Defence Day. The teachers put on skits for us, so funny!!! Well A Happy Valentine's day to you! I will talk about the schools hottest gossip next time!
A letter to my 10 year old self:
Dear 10 year old me,
I would like to say, congratulations on your first blog. Thank you for using punctuation, trying to type properly and telling people what ACTUALLY went on in school, being naive enough to think that they would read everything.
But - there's always a but, isn't there?
Typing a whole chunk of words doesn't make it easy for people to read. Of course, hitting "enter" too many times like I do isn't great eithier but well... Maybe one day we'll find some middle ground.
Also, I wish that you could have spelt "hw" as homework instead, because you'd probably never hear the end of it from one of your annoying friends that bug you at school. I won't mention her name, because I don't think it would be a nice thing to do, but her name starts with a "s" and ends with a "arah". Good luck figuring that out. (:
I can hear you reading out your blog post in my head right now. You sound excited. Which anyone can probably tell from reading the countless exclaimation marks, which you and the stalkee have something against. But you're still young, and well, me. So I can't kill you.
You're going to be different when you're me, and you type as if you're bored or depressed over everything instead of being excited. You're going to be more cynical, but you'd have developed some of your own thoughts, which can be both bad or good.
You're going to have this sore throat which will eventually make your voice seem lower, and you'll wonder if you went through voice breaking like a guy, and constantly look out for an adam's apple.
You'll be weirder and more random.
You'll go through what you think are hardships, cry a lot, start becoming an introvert, will hate crying, and lock yourself in you room an awful lot.
You'll realise how far away from God you are.
You'll prefer your current typing style, read more novels, stop thinking that "boys are so annoying"! Learn to slap them on the back arm-wrestle, and well, scream at them.
You'll type "ok" as "okay".
And I know you really didn't mean "hot gossip" when you typed it. You really meant, "I will tell you who is crushing on whom."
Okay. So it turns out I'm not really "attacking" you at all. But oh well.
I still don't really like the way you typed, though.
I guess I still like how you had your own kind of innocence.
P.S: Please note that most people DON'T actually go read your past posts unless they have a motive, especially if you're only talking about school.
My second blog, first post.
Okay. Wow. By now you give random facts AND start hitting "enter", huh?
Ten Random Facts About Me:
1) Currently, my favourite colours are Black and Purple.
Still are. Don't have anything against the other colours, though. Grey's nice. And green. And well. Yea. Other colours.
2) I am doing a "Monkey Book" with some girls in my class.
3) The old ABBA song, "Money, Money, Money" is STUCK in my head. I can't stop saying "Money, money, money!" My friend asked me to lend her my History textbook, and that was my response. Now she thinks I'm money-minded.
My "friend" = Rioko. I AM money-minded, though. Like Kimberly Hoong. That's sad.
4) I hate Science. For now, and forever. I hated it once I started learning it.
Psh. I will be nice and say I "dislike it with great intensity". But still not wrong, past self.
5) I am a chocoholic.
6) I love the rain.
Singapore rain's nicer, though.
7) My curtains are always drawn.
If I took a picture of them, you would literally see that this fact is still true.
8) Because of number 7, I missed it when it snowed.
9) I have missed having the chance of seeing snow, 2 times.
10) I have no idea what I'm doing here.
I know. I should be doing my History essay.
Um... Ok. Enough of the randomness. FOR TODAY. For number 2.... The "Monkey Book" is supposed to be like... A Diary. And apparently, the members are supposed to be... The.... MONKEY GIRLS. MONKEY GIRLS! It's called the Monkey Book, (Or monkey, for short.) because of how it looks.
There is never "enough of the randomness".
You're still crazy. And not in the fun way eithier.
Oh yea... Today, I had chinese oral too. I mentioned how much Clarissa's family felt like mine too. (: Which is true, since of course, I used to go to their house, almost everyday. I mean, even though, I'm making new friends, it doesn't mean I'll forget the old ones! Especially Clarissa, Jia Ling and JEL! (:
You never forgot them but sometimes you wonder if they forgot you.
And Clarissa might be reading this. :P
Just now, Jia Hui, was continuously asking me what I was doing. HE WAS TOO BORED. And wouldn't let me go to sleep because, he wanted someone to talk to. He seriously needs a companion or, when he's older, a girlfriend. I CAN'T BE CHATTING WITH HIM EVERY NIGHT!He even tried forcing me into the deal, of chatting online with him, tomorrow night....AHHH! SOMEONE!PLEASE BE NG JIA HUI'S FRIEND!
That only happened ONE night. You're overreacting. He probably has a lot more friends now, and you almost never see him online anymore.
Seems like, I stopped feeling sleepy. Probably because Jia Hui's offline? XD
You stay up too late.
Do we all at some point succumb to what they call "peer pressure"?
Today was different.
Today, looking at everything was different.
I saw a kind of depth, but was shocked to see it.
It seemed scary at first. I still don't know what to make of it. But it was so beautiful once...
The cost of sorrow?
I've let go. (:
Give me a word.
~11.11~------->33999 says:
inflicted =P
When I think of inflicted, I think of pain. When I think of pain, I think of bread. When I think of bread, I think of money. When I think of money, I think of Earth. When I think of earth, I think of Wall-E. When I think of Wall-E, I think of Wal-Mart. When I think of Wal-Mart, I think of Paris Hilton. When I think of Paris Hilton, I think of censorship. And when I think of censorship, I think of school.
She says:
When I think of huh, I think of Vivien. When I think of Vivien, I think of explosions. When I think of explosions, I think of the annoying ones during the perfomances at the Three Kingdoms City. When I think of the Three Kingdoms City, I think of money. When I think of money, I think I'm money-minded for thinking of money the second time. When I think of what I just thought of before, I think of Kimberly Hoong. Then I think of Young Eun laughing. Then I think of foreheads. When I think of foreheads, I think of Rioko's long face. When I think of Rioko's long face, I think of how I'm writing in paragraphs. When I think of how I'm writing in paragraphs, I think, "Content, Organization and Style and Language". When I think of that, I think of how I think I should have spelt "Organization" with a "s" instead. When I think of that, I think of "Coronado." And then I think of how I haven't finished my English script. Or started on my History essay. And when I think of that, I think of how much of a bore I am, and a killjoy.
Thank you very much.
"I have to remember. I have to remember. I have to remember."
Translated from Chinese: Please do not tell anyone what I've just told your mother.
I nod my head.
There is no way I'd tell anyone. I can already feel the tears.
It made every other problem I had today seem like nothing.
I realised I rarely have much "pain" in my life.
I do it to myself, I think.
My mother has a conversation with me.
"You knew?"
"Oh look! Ezra is sooooo cute!"
I start pretending to half-sing, half-dance backwards towards the door.
"Eh. Why you like that, ah?"
Of course I knew.
But now it doesn't feel the same as before.
I feel happier about it now.
Yet depressed about what I didn't know.
I want to help, I really do.
And all this time, it seemed like only I had problems.
"Talk to me."
That's what I want to say.
I REALLY need a USB.
helena halim says:
beg ur bro
{Anna} says:
He won't.
And my dad is giving me lectures and stuff.
helena halim says:
u lost urs?
{Anna} says:
There's not enough space in ANY
of them.
helena halim says:
cancel stuff
{Anna} says:
I did..
The capacity for each USB,
has a maximum of 200+.
the video requires 356MB
And my dad said the USB he lent me is 1GB.
But it's not.
helena halim says:
oh icic
{Anna} says:
and still requires more space.
and the new one he gave me?
The silver one?
Well, it has a virus,
helena halim says:
{Anna} says:
And he says that I do things last minute?
And that annoyed me like crazy.
Because I came home,
and did the video,
It's not like I knew exactly what problems I would face, yes?
helena halim says:
{Anna} says:
What makes me cry,
is that my dad never tries to understand the FULL problem,
before commenting.
He keeps saying he wants to help,
but in the end,
he scolds me,
and makes me stutter,
so I can never explain myself,
and I end up crying and not getting anything done with his help.
Why do you think I don't like asking for help, Helena?
Because I found out something.
When you rely on PEOPLE.
to help you,
they never do,
and they never fully understand what you're going through.
So they face you, say with a shrug,
"It's not working."
And they don't try to help anymore.
So, I now realise, that what Pastor David said is right.
That we lose faith in Human's word,
but God will always help us pull through.
I learnt that today.
helena halim says:
that's great!
Hm. I hit 'enter' a lot when I'm mad. (:
Helena is awesome. She listens like an adult should and says stuff like "I see."
She reminds me of my mum.
Don't get me wrong. I would NEVER hate my dad.
Because they're our parents and we have to listen to them.
Okay. I sound like a Goody Two-Shoes, when in actual fact I should be finishing my homework...
Tag replies?
I'm getting lazy about actually going to people's blogs and waiting for the tagboard to load now. :P
Aileen's Tags:
LOL to the without punctuation part x) Yeah, true the world would be very different without punctuation..:X We would be reading a sentence non stop without breathing D:!!
It wasn't a benefit nor a loss (: It was a very beautiful experience having an owner who cares about me though she priced me at a very low price =P
Though the ''you'' isn't You, spending time with my friends is also the greatest moments of my life (: Having you guys makes my life really greatttt !!!!!!!!!!!!! I can never live without you guys(:
it'll be a lonely planet ):
that's true. I'm not talking rubbish ><
My Reply:
Whoa. My dad just lent me another USB stick. ^-^
Oh wait.
My Reply:
Dear Ex-lovely antique,
While we agree on the matter of punctuation, and about how lonely the planet would be without friends (And authors, vloggers, musicians... And oh yea, Family? :P), I feel the need to correct you on this.
"It wasn't a benefit nor a loss (: It was a very beautiful experience having an owner who cares about me though she priced me at a very low price =P
YOU'RE NOT A HORRIBLE PERSON >< YOU'RE SO NICE TO EVERYONE (: and you're funny too, you know how to cheer ppl up (:!
that's true. I'm not talking rubbish ><"
Reasons Why Those Tags Are NOT True:
1) You were priced at 5 yuan. Lousy ownership.
2) I make people mad more than I cheer them up. Please feel free to check with Rioko and Helena.
3) I am not nice to everyone, as when I am mad, I would feel like saying, as "niggahiga" puts it, "I'll smash your head from wall to wall, and I don't care if the neighbours call. (:
4) No one can REALLY talk rubbish. I have not yet seen scrunched up paper or full apple corks coming out from mouths of people having a conversation. I have seen vomit, though. That count?
5)My humour is pretty much, well, non-existant. I am a killjoy. When I see people on the see-saw, tipping it so that they hurt the person on the other side, and they laugh, I don't.
I say, "STOP IT! You'll damage the poor see-saw! And you're not under twelve! Look at the rules! They said you have to be UNDER twelve!"
6) Repetition still makes me happy. (:
7) Number 6 had nothing to do with this list. Number 7 too.
8) See? I'm pretty much crazy. A weirdo. Not a "beautiful experience" to hang around me. (:
9) It's only not a benefit nor a loss because I gave you nothing and don't plan on giving you anything.
I still like you. (:
Your Weirdo/Crazy EX-Owner.
Melody's Tag:
hahaha u actually stalked them ! xDDDDD
My Reply:
Really? Who did I stalk? -Innocent- I haven't identified the people in the photo you know. And they could just be sitting real close because one of them has bad hearing and the other can't stand to shout, and so.
"All the better to hear you, my dear."
Eh. Popped in my head.
"Repty's" tag (I tried using your actual name, but it was just too weird. :P):
Nah , i wasnt refering to you this kind of people . You know those act-like-*****es-people-who-love-photography-because-it-is-cool-and-will-impress-their-friends-**** .
My Reply:
Uh. I think there's a reason why cbox censors these kind of words. :P
And even if I tried to impress my friends, I think they wouldn't, on the account that my pictures are blurry or whatever, and I act like a complete weirdo or crazy person in front of them, and well, disown them, so not only do I not impress them but I lose all respect from people and wow, this sentence is really long.
And makes no sense.
Young Eun's tag:
lol anna kk did u stalk them?? kk
My Reply:
"Really? Who did I stalk? -Innocent- I haven't identified the people in the photo you know. And they could just be sitting real close because one of them has bad hearing and the other can't stand to shout, and so.
"All the better to hear you, my dear."
Eh. Popped in my head. "
Black Hearts Show Off My Emo Side says:
sarah ditched me to go play ...MARIOKART!!
Im absolutely devastated...
And yet you're smiling, you weirdo.
It was an attempt to show that i was not affected by her not ditching me
I know that.
I don't like it.
Because it makes you seem like an unfeeling friend of Sarah, a [fairly] nice girl!
[Who doesn't blog.]
[And makes us help her change blogskins, so that she can change it again.]
Let's be unfeeling friends.
Ooh sounds fun
I know!
: D
Everyday with you is the best day of my life. You're MY Superhero <3
Aileen's Tags:
You really don't wanna be my owner anymore? ):
Okay then, I'll let you go (: But you weren't a lousy owner!! =D
You're the BEST OWNER anyone could ever have (: And I'll always remember you as my dear ex- owner (: oh no, i have to type 'e' and 'x' together T.T i hate that.. ):
But now I'll always call you EX-OWNER =P
Starting from... NOW
Okay, I seriously don't like the word ex ): sounds sad...
btw, what's a dclr? :X I don't even know what it is!
I meant DSLR
My Reply:
Dear Ex,
I'm guessing from your personal message, that I am not the "you". And since everyday with "you" is the best day of your life, well then, I'm not good enough for you, am I?
This proves that I am a lousy owner, for not only am I not "you", but I am also [not really] jealous of "you", and am ranting here about you and "you".
Sure the word "ex" is sad. I mean, I'd rather have inexpensive. (:
But oh well. I'm disowning lots of other people.
I'm a horrible person. (:
You let me go, huh?
Your uh... Well, not your loss.
Your benefit?
Mm. Sounds weird.
Oh well.
P.S: Ask your cousin about the DSLR thing. I stalk her, after all.
Your Ex-owner.
This makes me think I'll probably never be in a relationship.
11) Punctuation is important.
Without punctuation:
" This proves that I am a lousy owner for not only am I not you but I am also not really jealous of you and am ranting here about you and you"
Kimberly Teo's Tag:
OMG. IS THAT ME. in the picture. OMGGG.
кιм;; ?? sent 2009/3/21 22:02:
{Anna} says:
: D
кιм;; ?? says:
can't believe it
could u send me that picture ((((:
{Anna} says:
It's not clearrrrrrrrr
кιм;; ?? says:
{Anna} says:
кιм;; ?? says:
can't believe that was ME
you were stalking me????
{Anna} says:
I was?
Did I say that was your picture?
кιм;; ?? says:
well no one there was wearing a beeeaaauutiful blue sweater like moiii
{Anna} says:
My Reply:
Well, you seem content with your own answer.
Happy birthday to my now EX-antique and the pink santa. (:
I know you think I'm still your owner, but really, you have a guy now, and who am I to stand in the way of teenage love? :P Do you REALLY want me to be with you whenever you're with your husband, or follow you to the toilet?
The "certificate in my heart" has been torn up.
You are now free, Miss Aileen. (:
You are no longer my vassal, and I, no longer your lord.
I would like to claim back the fiefdom, though...
But then again, I gave you nothing.
Oh well.
I was a lousy owner anyway. You won't miss me. (:
My gosh.
{Anna} says:
{Anna} says:
I feel like blogging now.
: P
a<3 (: says:
o0...hehe YAY!!
hehe i can finally read one of your post again (:
{Anna} says:
My posts are boring.
: D
It'll be one of those smashing,
let's bang your head into the wall
kind of post.
Or not.
a<3 (: says:
your post aren't boring!! ><
who says?
i like your blog (:
Who says?
"{Anna} says:
My posts are boring."
{Anna} says:
кιм;; ?? says:
{Anna} says:
кιм;; ?? says:
wad are you doing?
{Anna} says:
Blogging, sadly.
кιм;; ?? says:
you don't really update much anymore
List of things I found out today:
1) For some reason, I let down people when I don't blog. But I'm supposed to not write as much.
2) My 4 year old brother can open a bottle of yoghurt! :D
3) I spelt some words wrong in the post I'm not supposed to edit. Like the word "made". I can't edit it. I can't edit it. I can't edit it.
4) I am an "idiot" who doesn't know how to use the mannual mode on a DSLR.
5) I have yet to congratulated these two. It's not a clear photo, but enough proof, I guess.
6) The number one hundred and eighty thousand, three hundred and nine is a popular number. Hm. Wonder why...
7) My internet's working really slow.
8) I like to make things longer than they should be. For example, my excursion video, which is supposed to have a limit of six minutes, is about 14 and a half minutes.
And I'm still not done with it.
9) I sleep like a weirdo.
I took a nap at 7 last night, woke up at 10, went back to sleep, woke up at 3.30 in the morning, went back to sleep, woke up at 9, went back to sleep, woke up at 10, went back to sleep, finally gave up, and read a book.
10) Repetition makes me happy.
I'm done.
It's not me so much of hating it,
it was the hairstylist.
: P
{Anna} says:
It is hair.
It shall grow back.
It is hair.
It shall grow back.
She says:
LOL but it will take quite a long time to grow back~~ :3
Donotharminnocents. Donotharminnocents.
Even though it seems like she would be very easy to hurl, donotharminnocents. Donotharminnocents.
Her bones would break too easily.
I was obviously wrong to be.
I sat down.
My hair got damp, and then my head was moving in a fixed pattern. Maybe, if you were there and had imagination, you would go, "Vroooom. Vrooom."
Well, so far so good.
No damage done.
I moved to a black leather seat.
I didn't close my eyes, because I couldn't.
My body was tense.
"Oh come on," I told myself. "Everything will be fine. You know what you want."
I didn't close my eyes, but my muscles relaxed a little.
I stood up, thanked the lady, with what seemed like a bee hive on my head.
I was then moved in front of glass so clear, I could see my reflection in it.
I heard singing.
In my ear.
It was annoying.
"Thank goodness it won't be him."
But it was.
Unfortunately, it was.
I said what I wanted.
The voice which was no longer singing now, was in more of a whisper.
No longer loud and obnoxious.
I saw a flash of silver.
Then black.
Lots of black.
Too much.
Way too much.
About a few minutes later, I got up again.
And my vision was blurred.
By tears.
{Anna} says:
You know what?
I got a haircut
"I DON'T LIKE IT! LOOKS LIKE A MUSHROOM!" - My four year old brother.
I feel like yelling into a pillow.
And I'm kind of mad at myself.
{Anna} says:
Because of what I'm saying to someone.
It's like I can't control myself.
I'm telling myself, "What is wrong with me?"
Why can't I let go?
Why do I have to feel like I need a grip on everything in my life? Homework, control over situations, my thoughts...
Well, pretty much EVERYTHING.
(Yes, "pair of lights" or "two lights" is what my "dear" ex-sister calls me now. Awesome.)
Ideas in my head right now:
1) Using a hammer and smashing the ground till it breaks. (NOOOOOO. My poor floor! D: How would we fix it? And why would I want a hole in the ground?)
2) Screaming and screaming till it hurts. (Waitttt. I can't do that to my throat! I tortured it with bad singing already, today - which was louder than usual because no one was home.)
3) Tearing pieces of paper. (Okay. That is not helping the environment.)
4) Ripping up my textbooks. (NOOOO. I can't see my Chinese textbooks being torn up! I ACTUALLY copied down notes! And the poor textbooks to be tortured by such a mean owner who is seen as violent. No way. Books ARE like babies. To Young Eun. They're treasures to me.)
5) Throwing money from the window. (That is just the worst idea I've ever had, seeing as I don't even have money anyway.)
6) Smashing the light bulb of my lamp. (NO. I love my lamp! And plus, what would I do with the shattered glass? I don't see why I would want to end up lamp-less, bleeding and having to clean up the mess I meade.)
9) Not cut myself. (Seriously. Why do that to my poor wrists? I mean, you can SEE THE VEINS. Am I really going to use a pen knife and slice up my veins? And have MORE scars? Why do that to yourself? Really.)
10) Cry. (I'm going to have to reject that idea since tears sting my eyes and I feel crying makes me seem weak. Plus I cried quite a lot this week [or felt like it] which is basically enough.)
11) Cycle at a really fast speed till I'm out of breath. (Wait. It's 12.23 AM. You're alone. With no one to cycle with you. It's dark. Are you out of your mind?)
12) Hit someone on the head. (My mum scolded me for that. I made my brother cry. She thinks I'm on some kind of violent streak. Which I kind of agree with. I have to stop harming the "innocents". No matter how truly annoying they are and how much they make my blood boil or make me feel like smashing their heads into the wall.)
13) Pray. (Okay. I'll do this.)
And there you go.
I can't even grieve or get mad like a normal person.
But I feel a lot calmer now.
Man, I'm a killjoy.
Totally, utterly and completely.
That doesn't sound right.
But I don't care.
This whole post might be gramatically incorrect.
But I think I'm going crazy anyway. So.
Fine. I editted some of it.
Not a lot.
Just that little itty bit.
I really WAS typing those parts in the brackets when I was... Well, typing.
The whole venting thing.
My gosh.
I am definitely losing my mind.
I will NOT edit this.
No. I will STOP.