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Welcome to my blog randomnessandweirdnessisanna.blogspot.com where I try to annoy you as much as possible by not updating even after countless tags.
Oh. Repetition makes me happy.
And yes, there IS a pause button to stop the music from continuously playing in your ear, interrupting the sound of my very annoying voice playing in your heads.
No wait. Both. --- ANNABELLEEEEEEEEEEEE REMEMBER ME??? oh gosh its been so long. Link me :3 But then again, there IS another Michelle in my grade. How many Michelles are there in the world? --- The end? --- I promised. And I won't. Ever again. :D ---- This is weird. I'm using italics. For the things girls use italics for. Hm.
Wow. Not my head, that's for sure.
Yes. I'm smell-concious now.
Plus, my dad sometimes pokes the top of my head and I don't really like it.
#2: How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Confused. I was wondering what day it was because I didn't remember praying to God or reading the Bible before I got to bed.
"Oh shoot. I overslept again during my nap."
And yes, it WAS 7 in the morning again.
#3: Who was the last person you took a photo with?
I don't like people taking photos of me, but.
... My pillow.
#4: Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
Nice. Today I was thinking, "I am so pampered and spoilt, I guess."
But if you're asking if I'm food, no.
#5: Would you ever donate blood?
I don't like making promises I can't keep but I'd rather have the blood extracted during blood tests go to use.
Oh. But it's pretty cool how blood can look like dark red lipstick when they collect it in those tubes.
Hm. Have you read "Thanks For the Memories" by Cecelia Ahern? I'm not sure how I'd feel about someone having my memories.
My answers are long-winded.
#6: Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Yes. But only online because I am a coward.
#7: Do you want someone dead?
No. Because first of all, that'd be mean, and if a person whom I mention actually dies, I would be suspected of murder since there would be ACTUAL proof on my blog.
So no.
I'm mean, but not THAT mean.
#8: What does your last text message say?
"Show off..."-Rioko Ozawa
Okay. So that WASN'T the last. But I like that one.
"lol thatsh what i wanted 2 ask u :p did joanna leave the bike here or did she bring it with her =X" - Kimberly Teo
She brought it with her. :P
#9: What are you thinking of right now?
The picture of a woman kissing a lion.
At first I thought it was pretty sweet, seeing as how it was a lion, and the fact that it could be so close to a human...
But then after staring at it for the fifth time, I felt sick.
And I was eating.
#10: Do you wish someone was with you right now?
Like next to me?
Yes. Young Eun, for one.
So that I could blame her for making me feel sick.
And do what I do when I get mad at a person. >:]
Oh and the stalkee.
And her cousin Aileen. Just so I could describe Laksa to her.
Wait. Not really. Because I have that picture in my head again.
Grrr. Young Eun...
#11: What time did you go to sleep last night?
I was confused when I woke up, remember? D:<
How could you not? I'm traumatised here! And I thought you were my friend!
And! And!
... At about eleven, I think.
#12: Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?
Target in Wuxi.
But that doesn't really matter.
What matters is that it's black and says "Shakespeare loves your new poems." :D
"What? Your shirt says 'Shakespeare read your new poems'?"
"No. It says 'Shakespeare LOVES your new poems'. Which means he read them AND loves them. :D"
Or maybe he didn't read them at all. :P
I really don't know what I'm typing anymore.
#13: Is someone on your mind right now?
Yea.That woman who keeps telling me that the boys are waiting.
... In her yard, I think.
#14: Who was the last person to text you?
Kimberly Teo. (:
People Tagged and Forced To Do This Quiz Because They Tag Me On Facebook (Or not.) And I Want To "Know Them Better":
1) S-A-R-A-H!
2) Vivien Seaj.
3) Both Kimberlys.
4) My Stalkee.
5) The Stalkee's Cousin. "Laksa..."
6) Non-Green Riding Hood.
7) Ritika the obsessed person who is "trying to get over".
8) Young Eun who I want to yell at for putting that image in my brain. I mean. The paws of the lion were CUPPING THE WOMAN'S HEAD!
Or around, I guess.
I don't think paws can cup. :P
9) Shannon, again? :P
10) Clarissa. >:]
11) Maureen. Sure. WON'T SPAM YOUR TAGBOARD AGAIN! Hmph. D:<
12) The person I ReMember. 8<
#15: Who is Number 2 (Seaj) having a relationship with?
N' Cream. She's peaches.
... Or maybe that guy from volleyball. >:]
-High-fives N' Cream.-
#16: Is 3 (Kimberly 1 & Kimberly 2) a male or a female?
THEY are both female. (:
Hm... But then again, maybe not...
#17: If 7 (Ritika) and 10 (Clarissa) get together will that be a good thing?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
First of all, they are BOTH female. (This I'm SURE of.)
And. Ritika is obsessed and "getting over".
PLUS, Clarissa deserves better. (:
... Unless you mean to meet? Then my last sentence still stands.
#18: What is Number 1 (Sarah) studying about?
Uh. Honestly, I don't think the both of us study very much.
I do know she makes the pictures/characters on her Chinese textbook look "emo" though.
#20: Is Number 4 (Regina) single?
She's married to the David Archuleta fan of Singapore who lives in a palace, is a Swiss Miss and makes her brand proud by liking Hot Chocolate.
#21: Say something about Number 5 (Aileen).
Licks her lips when I describe Laksa and Fish and Chips to her.
#22: What do you think about Number 3 (Kimberly 1 & 2) and 6 (Natalie) being together?
Well, they're schoolmates, so if they're walking together, that'd be okay, I guess?
I really don't know anymore. :P
#23: Describe Number 9 (Shannon).
Sweet, and is interesting. (:
She kind of reminds me of me when I was younger. :P
Don't be offended?
Not violent, though...
Isn't long-winded...
Hm. Then she isn't really like me after all.
#24: What will you do if Number 12 (Person I ReMember) and 8 (Young Eun) fight?
I would so be on the side of the person I remember since Young Eun put that IMAGE IN MY HEAD!
#25: Do you like Number 8? (Young Eun)
This is my favourite question.
You can guess, I guess.
We guess.
---Self-made question---
#26: What would you like to tell Number 12 (Maureen) now?
Alamak is what my Grandpa says. :D
My parents say.
"Your computer use is becoming an addiction! And everyday, you sleep so late!"
And even my math teacher knows.
Today she told me, "Annabelle, I know you sleep very late, right?"
Helena - "Did your dad come to school today or something?"
`' J o n c w c '` says:
what time, exactly?
{Anna} says:
"Why does she know so much about you, then?"
"My dad talks a lot."
That I sleep?
They're making me sleep at 11 now.
Which is good, I guess.
They're my parents, and they care.
`' J o n c w c '` says:
good for you ^^
{Anna} says:
Not really.
All of them.
ALL of them.
Stare at the screen, and read anything on it.
And then they think it's something else,
and put it into song.
`' J o n c w c '` says:
{Anna} says:
OR. While "walking towards the stairs", they literally STAND THERE and go read it.
Yes. Not even a subtle glance.
NOOO. They stand there, read it, with eyes open huge, point to a word and say,
"Eh. What does "XD" mean, ah?"
"Eh! How dare you say I'm annoying, ah you?!"
`' J o n c w c '` says:
my dad use to do worse
he'd start teasing in a gooey voice
reading everything out
then declaring msn a waste of time
{Anna} says:
My dad says,
"I'm not SMS-ing. I'm on MSN."
`' J o n c w c '` says:
cos we're not transmitting important information
{Anna} says:
`' J o n c w c '` says:
{Anna} says:
"a<3(: reminder, print hw~ says:
haha have you ever dreamt about food?
{Anna} says:
: P
{Anna} says:
Like the foods
{Anna} says:
I missed from Singapore,
{Anna} says:
when I first came."
My dad read "I missed from Singapore"
and instead sang it as,
Or something like that.
And he keeps touching my head or pressing my neck
which kind of hurts.
And when I tell him to stop or whatever,
he gives me a sad face, and says,
"You hate daddy, ah?"
`' J o n c w c '` says:
funny dad
{Anna} says:
`' J o n c w c '` says:
I can picture him at it
I talk too much too. :P
And I kept thinking.
"Why do men just seem like grown up boys to me?"
"You have so many shoes, but all never wear!"
The word popped into my head, and I checked it out on "The Free Online Dictionary".
1. An opponent; an enemy.
2. Adversary The Devil; Satan. Often used with the.
"You have just recieved an e-mail message from What Colour Is Your Heart?"
Facebook spams my inbox.
My skin. It itches.
Hm. I'm wearing pink.
Ritika would think that I liked it.
The colour pink.
I like the shirt though.
The pink's not too bad.
My webcam.
It sits on top of my computer screen.
Wait. Not mine.
An electric fan was brought into my room today. I guess it shows how winter is really over.
Oh winter, I'll miss you.
It didn't snow this year.
How many different pronouncations are there for words?
Maybe like a part of a name.
I don't think I have many hoodies.
I like wearing the dark blue one that I wear to school, though.
I wear it a lot outside too.
It goes over my shirt, leaving only my pants visible, the only proof that I'm not in school uniform.
Too bad it has to go in the wash now, though.
Too much paint on it from making a heart during sculpture class.
Black clothes.
They're like a mystery to me.
They make you look different for some reason.
Maybe make your skin look a different tone; maybe bring out the pink of your cheeks, or the colour of your eyes and lips.
"Hey, black clothes will make you look slimmer! REALLY!" - Miss Rioko Ozawa.
I feel better now, really.
But I kind of pity my keyboard.
Only without the piano.
And of course, the genius musical scores that really amount to something.
I don't want to go deaf.
My earphones broke. Again.
"Anna, you have like, a really huge collection of earphones." - Kimberly Teo
I remember once, when I was over at Kimberly's, and she shrieked, "I BROKE A NAIL!"
I was really happy to hear it for some reason, not over the fact that she broke a nail, but over the fact that she used those exact words.
It was just really funny to me because it was so stereotypical.
"I have a non-existant sense of humor."
I told her I was going to take down the dates and all. I think it was at 5.17 PM.
But I forgot the date.
That's still a pretty cool word.
Just like the word "REM".
I remember that activity our Drama teacher made us do.
We had to lie on our backs, close our eyes, forget everything for a while, remember a recent incident, then write words that came to mind, and then use a huge piece of paper, the kind that come from newsletters or whatever they call it.
I remember being so uncomfortable with both closing my eyes or lying on the ground.
But soon enough, I remembered. But it was just a little too late.
I also remember wanting to crush that defenseless piece of paper in between my hands so bad.
To wring it like a piece of wet cloth, when you're trying to get all the water out.
I started tearing pieces and pieces of paper. Scrunching them up into balls, till I almost felt like I could feel the ink leaking into my hands.
"You looked so scary just now. I didn't even dare to talk to you." - Miss Rioko Ozawa. Again.
The drama teacher had said that the things we had written on the piece of paper and the paper sculptures were made out of our raw emotions.
I took that to mean it wasn't controlled; wasn't stopped.
People told me, later that day that my paper sculpture or the massacre I had lying on the ground, looked like a broken heart.
I remember taking cups of water. It was dark.
At night, it feels like almost everything I feel inside comes out like rain. A heavy downpour maybe.
It's when I feel most vulnerable.
And just like that, the words, that smile and the sweet taste of water in my mouth still stays in my memory.
I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that script for English.
We were supposed to write a version of the Christmas Carol.
Our English teacher described our play as "dark". And because there was so much of death, it almost seemed suitable enough to become a comedy.
At the beginning, I had just finished reading "Coronado" by Dennis Lehane and felt heavily influenced by it because it had this script of a really epic play.
I went back to school after a week of abscense, with my group already picked out. I didn't really mind.
They had come up with a short storyline, like names of the characters they had wanted to use.
But our teacher said that they were behind time. Everyone else had come up with a full storyline, but there was a bit of tension in our group.
He said that maybe I'd be the glue to hold our group together. I didn't believe that statement though.
"Have some self-confidence."
But I started writing out some random words. And soon people were telling me. "Wow. You're writing a scene already!"
It went a little like this:
Scene 1: The spotlight is on Natasha, and she's at home. There's a loud knocking on the door. She opens it, and sees Bill, leaning against it, panting. He's in a mess and looks like it too.
"She's dead."
"Angela. She's dead. Gone. I pushed her off the building."
-Bill starts sobbing and Natasha runs forward towards him, to hug him."
"Oh Bill, we'll find a way out of this somehow."
-She pulls the gun from his back pocket, and points the barrel of the gun to his head. Bill feels the coolness of the gun on his skin, stops crying, and stays still.-
"We'll find a way out of this somehow."
-She pulls the trigger, and Bill slips from her arms to fall to the ground, lifelessly.-
That was originally how the scene was supposed to go, but of course, changes were made.
But I think my mood had heavily affected how the script went.
I remember how when I wanted to be away from my team members, I wouldn't be able to concentrate well, or the characters would have been powered by some kind of anger. Some kind of agony.
And at the end, Natasha was supposed to die, making the ending both abrupt and confusing.
So I started writing and editing some scenes on Thursday.
Natalie had come up with most of the ideas for the new scenes though, because I told her I was stuck.
But in the end, I edited them, and I felt sorry when I realised that I had completely taken away Natalie's style or most of her ideas.
I don't know what made me think this way, but I had wanted the character to live after all.
Because right then, I had felt that suicide should not have been an option.
It was only an escape. An escape I didn't want my character to experience.
That sounds wrong, doesn't it?
And so the script was changed, and new parts had been added, much to the annoyance of some of my team members who had every right to be.
The word "incentives " just came to mind.
Thinkexist.com says:
1. (n.) That which moves or influences the mind, or operates on the passions; that which incites, or has a tendency to incite, to determination or action; that which prompts to good or ill; motive; spur; as, the love of money, and the desire of promotion, are two powerful incentives to action.
2. (a.) Inciting; encouraging or moving; rousing to action; stimulative.
3. (a.) Serving to kindle or set on fire.
Set on fire, eh.
Leonardo Da Vinci wrote with his left hand, and backwards too.
That was one of the things I learnt today during History.
Hi Liver,
You work too hard for me.
I'm going to bed.
I know you'll help me out of this.
Everytime I pray, I feel like stones have been lifted and my heart feels lighter.
I know you know everything.
You know the thoughts that run through my head and what I say.
You're the one and only, Awesome God who can really help me.
Why is it so hard sometimes?
Please help me to have the wisdom to know what to do next.
I'm sorry I lie.
I know I'm not supposed to, but I do anyway.
It's not to get you off my back.
You have your own troubles too, you know.
But I guess now you'll find out, no matter how much you didn't want to.
You don't have to try to help me find a way out.
Dependancy can sometimes lead to more.
Too much is never good.
Thank you, really. You've helped me in more ways than any other person has ever.
And you did it all just by listening.
Everyday, I never look forward to it.
I'm sorry to say that, but it's true.
It's my own fault, though.
You try your best, and he does too.
"What else could possibly go wrong?"
I'm praying to God about it.
I don't know if I should follow whatever you would like.
But I know I'm not doing that right now.
I know you care, I really do.
I sometimes wish that I could control my thoughts.
That I could stop myself from saying things, even if it was in my head.
I don't let you know.
You're not dead yet. I don't want you to be.
But what do you do, when it all comes down to this?
Maybe it's a "phase".
Isn't that always the answer?
But I think I'm spiralling.
I pray, and God does help me.
But sometimes I feel like I'm on a staircase that changes direction.
Like the ones in my dream.
Where they change direction; where you don't know which way is up, which is down; where you don't know where you're headed.
What do I want?
I constantly ask myself this.
I realised I don't know what I really want.
And if I were to say anymore, people would take it the wrong way.
I know you'll find out some day.
But will it be too late by then?
I know.
I do. I can feel it.
But I think I stopped caring.
I'm sorry I did.
I'm sorry I don't know if things will ever be the same again.
I'm sorry for baring my teeth sometimes, while it never reaches my eyes.
I'm sorry I have to hide.
I'm sorry the first thing I want to do is get out.
I'm sorry I didn't reject that idea immediately and instead pretended you were joking.
How do the words escape?
How do lies start; how do feelings go haywire, wronging every part of a relationship?
If I let you, I'd be lying to myself.
If I didn't let you, I'd have to hide from everything else.
When did it all come to this?
How does it work really?
The flower's wilting. Pretty soon it'll be thrown away.
I just wished I had pressed it in between the pages of a book, so it could have been saved for as long as possible.
Do you know how sometimes you hurt me so much?
I don't know if you know what you do, but sometimes it almost seems intentional that you do these things.
I know they're not supposed to hurt. I know that I'm supposed to seem strong, and not cry. I know that I shouldn't feel anything about it; not care about what it's like when the images are in my head.
I used to picture my future. It always had you in it.
I guess that when I stopped doing so, I knew something was wrong. I knew nothing would be the same again.
One day you'll be gone. One day, we'll only be strangers. It's happened before. Why shouldn't it again?
The grass is green. But it stopped looking the same.
Whenever I remember, it feels more like a stab now, instead of what is meant to make me smile.
I can't stand to even look at you now.
No amount of eye contact will help. Nothing will.
Perhaps everything has already been lost; but delusion stays close, bringing that last smidget
of hope, like a stain on your shirt you can never wash out, no matter how much bleach you use.
It works one-way now. Or no way at all.
Can't you see that?
Sometimes I think I try too hard. Try too hard to live up to your expectations or requirements.
That's why I was sitting in the back row that Sunday, so that no one would see.
You kept turning, but it meant nothing. Nothing at all.
Maybe you thought you cared. Maybe you did.
But nothing makes sense anymore.
What's normal?
It's like a personal threshold to me. What you can take on a regular basis.
But this isn't very normal.
But I'll pretend. Isn't that what everyone does?
And everyday too.
After all. Who really doesn't get creeped out?
Oh wait. I know a few people.
I was praying to God for a friend.
No. This isn't a poem from one of those Hallmark cards.
And then I realised I found her, only a day ago.
Okay. I mean yesterday.
The realisation, I mean.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, thanks.
... For the memories, even though they weren't so great...
Okay. Sorry.
You're always there to listen to my problems, and the only person who asks me "Are you okay" over and over, like I do to others.
"Will you stop asking me if I'm okay?! It's so annoying, you know? It's like you're saying, 'are you stupid?' " - Miss Ozawa.
I seed you. (:
P.S: Tell that Shirley person we shared a bed! D:<
Miss De-Beloved.
I know I have many "Exes".
(Yea right.)
So I'm upgrading you to the "De" class.
Yayyy. (:
Hi Maureen.
I was semi-stalking you. :P
I guess you know now.
Let's see.
I like your name and hair?
And how you wear hoodies sometimes, I guess.
If you're creeped out, oh well. :P
Thank you for listening to my constant questions, and still answering them though you don't know.
And yea.
I guess I AM used to your hair being long. :P
And is it THAT weird to imagine me crying?
Play with the Pandas! :D
Cheer up, you dancer.
And yes. I DID have that random conversation.
About Fall Out Boy.
No mauling me.
I hope you liked the paper clips. :P
I really like you. ^-^
Are you seriously not going to finish the investigation thingy? :P
I seed you too.
But she got the cork out. :P
So. Yea. :D
N' Cream. I will not be "N'".
The whole point of N' Cream is that it comes EQUIPPED with that little "N'".
Deal with it.
And welcome to the new world.
A Knight's tale.
Misery loves company, don't it? XD
Maybe if you forced me to hang out with you?
Aileen. :D
I will never be her, sadly. :P
We love you, Aileen.
How dare you cut your finger and not tell me?! D:
Yay! You got well!
I realised I'm cartoons to you, huh. First Seamo and now Doreamon.
Great. Really great. >:]
Thank you for the chips today.
You're even with Ping Ping Jie now, I think.
Sometimes I get really mad at you. D:<
"No matter what, we'll still have a truce. (:"
"Yea. So I can't kick your butt."
"What, you want me to kick your butt?"
"Ha ha, okay. I thought you said something else."
When the truce ends. >:]
Yes, I am mean.
No, I will not let you choose who I am to have a crush on.
I like hearing your voice.
You didn't ask me if I was okay. (:
Thank you. ^-^
hi anna!! ^^ Miss u a lot!!!
when u coming back to Sing?
Thanks for missing me. If I go back though, it means bad news.
"Thanks for missing me. If I go back though, it means bad news. "
I am a horrible person. Or friend. Whichever.
:P I put your link down the moment I changed my blogskins.
And I don't mean nothing nothing, I just mean nothing constructive or fun.
But I'm never bored.
I don't think I like change very much.
Even using a different font on MSN, or changing the arrangement of my contacts is huge to me.
But sometimes I wake up in the morning think to myself, "I want to do something different today."
Most time it ends up never being done.
What happens when you feel like you're losing someone, or you've already lost them?
When that sort of dependancy is already there - the need; the longing to see or talk to them everyday?
It's never easy. But it doesn't need to be difficult eithier.
When you ignore someone, you try not to see them.
You try to pretend like you don't know they're looking at you - a sort of escape to hide your problems into nothingness.
But negative emotions and hurt will surface.
And it grows if you let it.
Invisibility is something that can't be seen and is percieved as being not there.
So why worry about it?
10 Apr 09, 20:24
sanskruti: hey ya annabelle
My Reply:
Hi, and thank you for not being part of the angry mob that was forcing me to update my blog. You're nice. (:
I like my purple notebook.
Soo Hean tries to hug me.
I am reading "The Pact" by Jodi Picoult.
Stalking is made creepy on the internet.
Wikipedia says:
Stalking is a controversial pejorative term applied to the behaviour of individuals (and perhaps to bodies of persons) towards others. It is related to the concepts of harassment and intimidation.
It has been applied both in cases where the person who was said to be being stalked was aware of the conduct said to be stalking and to cases in which that person was not.
Hi Regina.
It has been applied both to conduct which was done with malicious intent and to conduct which was not.
Um. Okay. Maybe not.
Individuals characterised as stalkers may have a mistaken belief that the other person loves them, or have a desire to help the other person.
Oh no. I lied to you?
Stalking consists of a series of actions which in themselves can be legal, such as calling on the phone, sending gifts, or sending emails.
I think I'll stay away from you now. Please. Stay safe you little ribena darling who looks nothing like Aileen's sister!
Stalkers will often denigrate and objectify their victims.
Well, I did like the fact you wanted to dye your father's hair red for his birthday. And you ARE related to Aileen.
This can help stalkers to abuse their victims without experiencing empathy, and may reflect or fuel a belief that they are entitled to behave as they please toward the victims. Viewing victims as "lesser," "weak" or otherwise seriously flawed can support delusions that the victims need to be rescued, or punished, by the stalkers. Stalkers may slander or defame the character of their victims which may isolate the victims and give the stalkers more control or a feeling of power.
Ouch. I'm sorry if I did that to you then? But you aren't "weak". You actually let me spam the whole MSN window without once telling me to stop typing.
Stalkers may even threaten to commit suicide in order to coerce victims to intervene - all
WHAT?! I'M NOT TAKING MY OWN LIFE. Not even for you!
:X Wait, should I have not said that?
Types of Stalkers.
Intimacy seekers seek to establish an intimate, loving relationship with their victim. To them, the victim is a long-sought-after soul mate, and they were 'meant' to be together.
Um. Really?
Incompetent suitors, despite poor social or courting skills, have a fixation, or in some cases a sense of entitlement to an intimate relationship with those who have attracted their amorous interest. Their victims are most often already in a dating relationship with someone else.
Oh right. You're already married to Miss Fifi on Facebook...
Hm. I really have no idea what I'm doing anymore.
This whole post's a mess.
Stalking should be uh. Taken seriously.
Thank you for your time, fellow kiddos.
.... I think I'll be deleting this post soon.